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To tell the truth - The story of democarcy in European and arab societies


16/09/2022 bis 26/09/2022


Gustav-Stresemann-Institut Bad Bevensen


Bad Bevensen (Lüneburger Heide)


In Kooperation mit: Club Culturel Ali Belhouane, Tunis, Tunesien; St. Mena
Forum for Peace & Development, Beni Suef, Ägypten; Debate Foundation,
Amman, Jordanien; Internationale Jugendbegegnungsstätte Krzyzowa /
Kreisau; Student Representation, Vilnius, Litauen | Gefördert durch: EU
Programm Erasmus+

Background: Who tells the truth in times of crisis? Which is the true story of democracy in our countries? Which different stories shape the political reality in our societies? Who speaks the truth about handling Covid 19 challenges? What is the story of our lives as (future) active citizens? With this project we
will make stories happen; we will not just share them. We will use them to understand each other, to compare our narratives, to learn about the different paths to democracy in our countries, to understand the concept of diversity and to design our future projects as activists of civil society. We will listen carefully to those, who are afraid and left behind; we will provide a space to be heard for those who doubt; we will create a platform for those who want to act.Aims and Guiding Topics: 1. The truth about democracy : Which paths to freedom & democracy did we take in each country? Which choices did we make, which impact had the Corona crisis & where are we at now? Participants will give accounts & updates on political development and personal involvement. 2. The truth about freedom : Where are the limits of freedom and the challenges calling for change? How can we counter religious
and political extremism and foster deradicalization? We will use simulation games and first-hand reports to identify the issues and find solutions. Activists will share their concepts and practical methods. 3. The truth about diversity
: How do we handle diversity in our countries? How can we counter discrimination and exclusion? In practical exercises we will learn how to establish true dialogue in our environment. In field visits to NGOs and youth projects we will learn how to have an impact on current events. 4. The truth about our impact : How can we establish structures that keep society together? How can we strengthen freedom and democracy in follow-up activities back home? This is what  the project aims at: It will inspire participants to make use of their skills, to build up capacities, take over responsibility and to continue their engagement in civil society.

Trainnerinnen: Inga Balzekaite-Sauliene, Nourjahen Jamaa | Päd.
Mitarbeiter: Martin Kaiser




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