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More than one democracy Train-The-Trainer-Seminar with Dr. Uki Maroshek-Klarman, Adam Institute, Israel


28/04/2024 bis 01/05/2024


Gustav-Stresemann-Institut Bad Bevensen


Bad Bevensen (Lüneburger Heide)


Since the Betzavta method was established and the basic “Betzavta” manual published, Dr. Maroshek-Klarman, in collaboration with the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace staff in Jerusalem, expanded the basic concept in several directions and adapted the methodology to current times.
Notably, “Betzavta” has also expanded to explore additional themes such as multiculturalism, feminism, sustainability, civic society, democratization of the education system, and democracy in the age of internet and globalization.
The advanced “train-the-trainer” 4-day course in English will provide an overview of methodological developments and practical examples and workshops. This workshop provides a unique opportunity to get in-depth training with the creator of the Betzavta-method Dr. Maroshek-Klarman, Executive Director of the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace, and among its founders. The workshop is suitable for trainers actively working in Germany and internationally.



Für alle Interessierten 


Politik und Gesellschaft 


Kinderbetreuung möglich*

Kosten (€)

415,00, ermäßigt 275,00 

* Bitte beachten: checkbox aktiv = trifft zu / ja checkbox nicht aktiv = trifft nicht zu / nein

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